BGCL Cheer Squad!

B-G-C-L, what does that spell? Have you heard about the cutest new program at the Club? Coming from a background of cheerleading herself, our front desk staff, Rebecca D., started our own BGCL cheer squad.

With the new school year, Club members were excited to learn they could add cheerleading to their extensive resumes. The cheerleaders have shown off their moves at a few home Club games and are planning to do a routine at the art showcase. Along with Rebecca, Kathy C., our Arts Coordinator and Dance Instructor, helps to create and teach the squad new cheers. Practice is every Monday and Wednesday at 3:30.

Nashley, age 8, said, “I love being in cheer. It is fun learning the cheers and performing them at games. It’s a good exercise too.”

Cheerleading is a great activity. Not only is it fun, but it gets our members up and moving. Physical health is critical in children, and we are glad we have more activities to keep them healthy.


We are so happy we can provide these fantastic opportunities for our Club kids to learn, grow, and find their paths in life. You can stop by a game and see the girls in action!